Selected Publications

Selected lab publications from the past 5 years. Trainees are underlined.

Vasquez, B.P.Tomaszczyk, J.C.Sharma, B., Colella, B., Green, R.E.A. (2018). Longitudinal recovery of executive control functions after moderate-severe traumatic brain injury: Examining trajectories of variability and ex-Gaussian parameters. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 32(3): 191-199.

Tomaszczyk, J.C.Sharma, B., Colella, B., Mok, J.N.Y., Beaton, D., Christensen, B.K., Green, R.E.A. (2018). Measuring cognitive assessment and intervention burden in patients with acquired brain injury: Development of the 'How Much is Too Much?' questionnaire. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 50(6): 519-526.

Habib Perez, O., Green, R.E.A., Mochizuki, G. (accepted). Spectral analysis of centre of pressure identifies altered balance control in individuals with moderate-severe traumatic brain injury. Disability and Rehabilitation, Epub ahead of print. 

Habib Perez, O., Green, R.E.A., Mochizuki, G. (2018). Characterization of balance control after moderate severe traumatic brain injury: A longitudinal recovery study.Physical Therapy, Epub ahead of print

Green, R.E.A., Tator, C. (2017) When the effects of concussions endure: What are some of the longer term consequences? In: Sport Concussion: A Complete Guide to Recovery and Management. Eds: I. Gagnon & A. Ptito.

Misquitta, K., Dadar, M., Tarazi, A., Hussain, M.W., Alatwi, M.K., Ebraheem, A., Multani, N., Khodadadi, M., Goswami, R., Wennberg, R., Tator, C.H., Green, R.E.A., Colella, B., Davis, K.D., Mikulis, D.J., Grinberg, M., Sato, C., Rogaeva, E., Collins, D.L., Tartaglia M.C. (2018). The relationship between brain atrophy and cognitive-behavioural symptoms in retired Canadian football players with multiple concussions. NeuroImage: Clinical, 19(2018): 551-558.

Boulos, M.E., Bray M.J.C. (2018) Complement C3 inhibition modulates neurodegeneration in chronic traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neuroscience, 38(33): 7201-7203.